Licence for Become Real Estate Agent in Chandigarh
Need Licence for becoming Real Estate Agent in Chandigarh
The real estate business is becoming more organized and Chandigarh is among one of the first states in the country to establish licenses for real estate agents. In Chandigarh individual real estate agents have to pay a license fee of Rs.25,000 while a company would have to pay Rs. 50,000 for the license. To become a Real estate agent in Chandigarh need a license from Chandigarh Govt would be valid for five years and can thereafter be renewed for a fee of Rs.5000 for individuals and Rs.10,000 for companies.
In addition to real estate agent license from State Governments that are mandatory. Real estate agents can also become a member of India (NAR-India) National Association of Realtors. National Association of Realtors is a national level umbrella organization representing the interests of thousands of brokers/realtors operating all over the country. National Association of Realtors aims to elevate the standards of practice of the real estate brokerage business to a World level where ethics, accountability, transparency, good governance prevail and rule of law.
Benefits of National Association of Realtors Membership for Realtors include:
Become Member of Property Dealers in Chandigarh
- The beneficiary of a credible image of the realtor profession in India.
- Chandigarh and international level business networking opportunities.
- Consumer recognition in Global as well as Local markets.
- International visibility of global niche listing.
- Platform with governments for lobbying
- Opportunity for skill upgradation thru’ various education conferences, conventions, and programs on a continuing basis.
- Access to the globally recognized REALTOR logo, subject to conditions.
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